It's been one of those days... crazy morning, followed by a busy day at work, picked up Leslie at daycare, then came home and scrambled to feed Leslie and make something for dinner. Unfortunately, I completed messed up our dinner plans. I went to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon and got stuff for the entire week, and had dinner planned for each night we'll be home. The plan for Monday night was Chicken White Bean Chili, which involved cooking the chicken on Sunday night so that it would be ready when I got home on Monday. Well, after I got the chicken out of the oven (9:30 pm), I left it out on the counter to cool... and never put it in the fridge. I was so tired last night, I completely forgot. SO, no chicken chili for us tonight! :( Instead, I ate a combination of leftover pasta, pumpkin chips and my "after the baby goes to bed" treat was half a bagel with pumpkin cream cheese (yes, I love anything pumpkin). The kicker was when I sat down to eat my bagel with cream cheese, I dropped it on myself and the remote control. As if the remote control wasn't dirty enough! Oh well, sometimes you have to laugh at it all rather than cry over spilt milk, or rotten chicken in my case!
Some days I wonder what I did before I had a baby - how did I spend my evenings?! I remember thinking I was busy pre-Leslie, but now my pre-baby life seems like a piece of cake! Evenings used to involve working out, running errands, cleaning and relaxing while watching TV (Real Housewives, anyone?) or reading. Now evenings are all about cleaning bottle parts, getting stuff ready for the next day and doing laundry. Then, it's bedtime. Yes, evenings are completely different, and they're exhausting. But, I LOVE seeing Leslie when I pick her up at daycare, or when I get home from work - I love seeing her bright, smiling face, and how she kicks her legs in excitement when she sees me. I love playing with her on the floor, watching her inspect all her toys and try so hard to move around the living room. I love our evening walks as a family, and my favorite is cuddling with her before bed. I know it sounds cliche, but I wouldn't trade my new evenings for the world. My life may be busier, my house may be messier, and I may be more tired... but life with Leslie is worth it, and parenthood is incredibly satisfying. And, believe it or not, I think I've become more organized and better at managing my time!
This is a picture of Leslie I took tonight - she's wearing her new fleece jacket with a kitty-cat hood. Adorable! I love baby clothes. We took her outside for a bit while I cleaned our my car and Brett took out the trash. Exciting!
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