Our kitchen upgrade is finally done! It was actually finished back in late May, but it's taken me this long to write about it! Unfortunately, even though we have beautiful new counter tops, which will make my cooking and baking life so much better, our oven has been out of service for more than a month! I know, ridiculous. It stopped working in early June and since then we've been working with a repair company that services Viking's to get parts ordered and installed. I'm not sure what the hold up is in getting these parts, but we've called them every week for an update... I'm just so ready to do some baking! I haven't made cupcakes or cookies in so long - it's depressing!
Okay, back to the kitchen. So, back in April we had granite counter tops installed. I LOVE the granite, it's so pretty and much easier to keep clean than the white tile. After the counter tops were done, Brett and his Dad took out the white tile on the back splash and put in nice neutral tile with slate accents. It's complete and looks amazing! We're so happy with it. Below are some pictures...



Since I've had to take a hiatus from baking, I've been doing some fun DIY home projects. I'm thinking I'll blog about those also, and turn my blog into a mixture of sweets meets home projects, crafts, etc.!